
Justícia restauradora: els ideals i la realitat

ZERNOVA, Margarita. Restorative justice: ideals and realities. Aldershot (UK) : Ashgate, 2007

Signatura: 343.843 Zer

Aquesta obra ens parla de la justícia restaurativa empíricament mitjançant una recerca qualitativa i proposa idees per desenvolupar els objectius ideals d'aquest moviment en la pràctica. Us adjuntem el resum en anglès elaborat per l'editor:
Providing a critical perspective on the aspirations of advocates of restorative justice and the direction in which restorative justice is developing, this book provides an empirically researched contribution to theoretical debates. Drawing on qualitative research, the book examines the significant gaps that exist between the ideas of proponents of restorative justice and the objectives being pursued in practice. The work also suggests possible ways forward for the restorative justice movement and the development of practices with a coherent set of restorative justice ideals.