
La por al crim a les societats contemporànies

FARRALL, Stephen; JACKSON, Jonathan; GRAY, Emily. Social order and the fear of crime in contemporary times. Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2009

Signatura: 343.95 Far

Un nombre important de ciutadans de molts països han expressat i expressen por al crim i al delicte. En aquest llibre, els autors fan una revisió crítica de les principals conclusions de més de 35 anys d'investigació d'aquesta branca de la criminologia i proposen nous models d'anàlisi i estudi d'aquest fenomen social posant l'accent en distingir entre els grups que expressen la seva por a la delinqüència i els grups que realment l'han patida i experimentada.

Afegim els comentaris de l'editor en versió original:

The fear of crime has been recognized as an important social problem in its own right, with a significant number of citizens in many countries concerned about crime. In this book, the authors critically review the main findings from over 35 years of research into attitudes to crime, highlighting groups who are most fearful of crime and exploring the theories used to account for that fear. Using this research, the authors move on to propose a new model for the fear of crime, arguing that such methods, which involve intensity questions (such as 'how worried are you about x ...'), may actually conflate an 'expressive' or 'attitudinal' component of the fear of crime with an experiential component and therefore fail to provide a comprehensive insight into how crime is perceived.

Taking an entirely new approach to their subject, the authors use existing quantitative data from the British Crime Survey to pose theoretically informed questions to help identify those who only 'expressively' fear crime, separating them from those who have the actual experience of worrying about crime. By exploring the extent to which each group has different social attitudes and backgrounds, and whether there is more than one social/cultural form of the fear of crime, this innovative and exciting title promises to reposition this aspect of criminology to a more prominent place.

1 comentari:

Rodrigo Venegas ha dit...

Destaca la formulación metodológica donde trabajan profundamente los datos cuantitativos
llegando a interesantes aproximaciones y conclusiones novedosas respecto del control social y el miedo a la delincuencia.
Adentrándose en el análisis de las normas sociales y reflexionando sobre la participación de las mismas en el fenómeno.
no es menor que su trabajo se base en el análisis crítico de de más de 35 años de investigación sobre las actitudes del público sobre la delincuencia.
absolutamente recomendable.