CANTER, David; YOUNGS, Donna. Investigative psychology: offender profiling and the analysis of criminal action. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2009
343.95 Can
La psicologia de recerca o d'investigació s'encarrega d'analitzar:
-Tota una àmplia gama de delictes des del frau al terrorisme, assassinats en sèrie, raptes i crim organitzat.
- Empra metodologies importants com ara l'escala multidimensional i l'anàlisi de la xarxa social.
- Elabora perfils geogràfics de delinqüència.
- És una eina valuosa en el camp de la psicologia forense i la criminologia aplicada.
Us adjuntem els comentaris de l'editor en el seu idioma original:
343.95 Can
La psicologia de recerca o d'investigació s'encarrega d'analitzar:
-Tota una àmplia gama de delictes des del frau al terrorisme, assassinats en sèrie, raptes i crim organitzat.
- Empra metodologies importants com ara l'escala multidimensional i l'anàlisi de la xarxa social.
- Elabora perfils geogràfics de delinqüència.
- És una eina valuosa en el camp de la psicologia forense i la criminologia aplicada.
Us adjuntem els comentaris de l'editor en el seu idioma original:
This ground-breaking text is the first to provide a detailed overview of Investigative Psychology, from the earliest work through to recent studies, including descriptions of previously unpublished internal reports. Crucially it provides a framework for students to explore this exciting terrain, combining Narrative Theory and an Action Systems framework. It includes empirically tested models for Offender Profiling and guidance for investigations, as well as an agenda for research in Investigative Psychology.
Investigative Psychology features:
.The full range of crimes from fraud to terrorism, including burglary, serial killing, arson, rape, and organised crime
. Important methodologies including multi-dimensional scaling and the Radex approach as well as Social Network Analysis
. Geographical Offender Profiling, supported by detailed analysis of the underlying psychological processes that make this such a valuable investigative decision support tool
.The full range of investigative activities, including effective information collection, detecting deception and the development of decision support systems.
In effect, this text introduces an exciting new paradigm for a wide range of psychological contributions to all forms of investigation within and outside of law enforcement. Each chapter has actual cases and quotations from offenders and ends with questions for discussion and research, making this a valuable text for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Applied and Forensic Psychology, Criminology, Socio-Legal Studies and related disciplines.
Investigative Psychology features:
.The full range of crimes from fraud to terrorism, including burglary, serial killing, arson, rape, and organised crime
. Important methodologies including multi-dimensional scaling and the Radex approach as well as Social Network Analysis
. Geographical Offender Profiling, supported by detailed analysis of the underlying psychological processes that make this such a valuable investigative decision support tool
.The full range of investigative activities, including effective information collection, detecting deception and the development of decision support systems.
In effect, this text introduces an exciting new paradigm for a wide range of psychological contributions to all forms of investigation within and outside of law enforcement. Each chapter has actual cases and quotations from offenders and ends with questions for discussion and research, making this a valuable text for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Applied and Forensic Psychology, Criminology, Socio-Legal Studies and related disciplines.
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